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Sweltering Heat Bakes Shooters at July Match

(Match Report by Tyler Patner)

Scope temperature

23 shooters braved the heat and possibility of rain on Sunday the 21st to shoot a grueling 60 shot match on NOA's field course.  Winds were whispering quietly in the field and the sun was beating down hard.  Lots of sweat and maybe even a few tears were left in the field when it was all said and done.  

Sight In Range

All smiles before melting in the sun

Tyler presenting the shooter's meeting

The course featured some smaller than normal kill zones and some tough position shots, really testing the shooters at each lane.  The Troyer was a 32.5 before wind was factored in.  After wind was factored in, the course shot at around a 34.5T, with 11 targets over 40 yards, and an average distance of 34.4 yards. The wind was very tricky for most of the day.  Every so often you would see the long grass in the field bow from one side and then to the other.  Then it would seemingly stop for long enough to get a shot off, while it was still moving through other parts of the course.  

Bruce Scott made his first match of the season and it was really great to see him out and shooting again, posting a 32/60 as the only intrepid soul brave enough to shoot in WFTF Piston.  Also a loner in Hunter Piston, was Keith Walters.  Keith brought out his HW97K in a beautiful LP gunstock and posted a solid 43/60.  

Bruce Scott on the line shooting HW97K

Keith Walters with his HW97K shooting Hunter Piston

View down the line of the field course

Roger Barker, one of the smarter accessorized shooters

Jeff Paddock at the off-hand lane

On the PCP side, Bill Rabbitt tied with Tom and Dennis Himes with a 53/60.  Sadly, we did not have time for a shoot off as the Himes brothers had to get back home quickly after the match.  And in WFTF PCP, Tyler Patner showed up with a new Thomas FT Carbine and posted the match high score of 56/60.  

Bill Rabbitt with his recently acquired Thomas Carbine

Tom Himes with his Daystate practicing kneeling

Dennis Himes on the line with his Daystate shooting Hunter PCP

Tyler Patner with his new Thomas Carbine, "Percival the Merciful"

Our next match will be August 4th, and we are looking forward seeing everyone there as it will be our clubs last match before the Pyramyd Air Cup towards the end of the month.


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