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Sherwood Airgunners Benchrest Match Report November 17, 2019

(Match Report by Jeff Little)

Results from the Sherwood Air Gunners Indoor Benchrest Shoot 11-17 2019 At the Sherwood Archery Club near Steubenville Ohio

Sherwood Air Gunners hosted their first benchrest shoot of the season this weekend and the consensus was that everyone had a good time and the fellowship in the Ohio area airgunners group was top notch as is always the case! Shooters from Northeast Ohio Airgunners, Central Ohio Airgunners and Sherwood Airgunners were all present as well as shooters from Pennsylvania and a few new faces from the surrounding areas!! The Sherwood club would like to thank everyone for supporting our shoots this being our third year having them. Another shoot is planned in either January or early February of 2020. It’s a nice way to get together and shoot our rifles for a bit of friendly competition when the weather only permits shooting indoors!! Always warm at the range at Sherwood!!

This year the Spring gun division was given a boost in as the first-place prize was a beautiful F.W.B.300S target rifle donated by one of the Sherwood members to try to boost the numbers of spring gun shooters in the class! We had 10 shooters compete for the rifle With 80 year old Al Duster from Brookville Pa. dominating the field shooting a Walther LGU taking home the rifle, He bested the field by shooting a 240-9x/ 238-1x for a total of 478-10x total out of a possible 500 points. Second place was taken by Ron Heckathorne of Washington Pa. shooting a beautiful F.W.B. Running Boar rifle with a score of 233-1x /238-4x 471-5x total followed by Dan Putz who was shooting his first bench rest shoot and he shot from a bucket and sticks hunter field target style!!! His score was 234-4x/236-1x 470-5x total shooting his trusty Walther LGV break barrel he used to dominate the Pyramyd Air Cup Field Target match this past summer. Great shooting all of you!!

The PCP division was highly contested as always with the scores being high and close! Two familiar faces both shooting Thomas Carbines were at the top of the pile of the eighteen shooters in the class with a highly modified Benjamin Maurader taking the third place! Only one point separating the three of them! Bill Rabbitt came out smoking with a 250-10x on his first card of the day and posted a 249-15-x for the second card for a total of 449-25x out of a possible 250 points for the number one position. Second and third place was decided by x count with Keith Walters edging out Ron Heckathorne with both shooters posting pairs of 449 cards, Keith having 26-x’s and Ron close behind with 20-x’s Keith also took home the Top Gun Award for the highest x count of the match. Another perfect 250 card was shot by Tim Baylor of Cleveland Ohio. For those not familiar with the USARB Indoor target the ten ring is only 2 mm in size and shooting 25 shots in a row hitting it 25 times is no small feat!!

We had four new shooters in the fray, Gary Rudolph and Kenny Deisch from north of Columbus and Mike Burky from the Coshocton area of Ohio and a local Jerry McCombs who all shot well and hopefully will become a part of the area air gun family!! Thanks for coming over to shoot guy’s!!! Hope we see you again soon!

Bill Rabbitt, First Place PCP Open

Keith Walters, Second Place PCP Open

Ron Heckathorne, Third Place PCP Open

Al Duster, First Place Spring Piston

Ron Heckathorne, Second Place Spring Piston

Dan Putz, Third Place Spring Piston

Keith Walters, Top Gun Award, most X's

Hoping everyone had a good time and wants to do it again in January or early February! Also hoping everyone has a Happy and safe Holiday Season!! See you all in 2020!!

Jeff Little

Match Director, Sherwood Airgunners


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