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Field Target Match Sunday August 30th 10:30 am Match Start

All of those planning to attend the match this Sunday August 30th, please read the following:

Northeast Ohio Airgunners (N.O.A.) Covid-19 Match Safety Protocol dated July 13, 2020 (edited)

To all Field Target Shooters planning to participate in N.O.A. matches for the 2020 season:


Understanding that these procedures may evolve depending upon future conditions in the state of Ohio, N.O.A. decided upon the following:

·  We will allow a limit of 30 shooters per match. Thirty shooters allows us to maintain 15 lanes with a maximum of 2 shooters per lane. Our lanes are for the most part spaced at least 6 feet apart.  Note: junior shooters can have their supervising adult on the course with them as long as they maintain safe social distancing, which is an exception to the maximum of 2 individuals/shooters per lane.

· We are asking shooters to submit their equipment list and registration information by email prior to the match to limit face to face contact during registration. This will also allow us to formulate a list of maximum 30 competitors by a first come first serve process. We will not have the TV monitor in use for lane assignments and post-match scores.

· Payment will be made with cash using exact change.

· The shooter’s meeting will take place outside of the club house. Those that did not register through email will provide their information to our sign-in attendant from a safe distance (6 feet).

· NO LUNCH will be provided. If you need to eat during or after the match please bring your own food. We will supply bottled water.

· We ask those who have them to bring their own clipboard to be used for scoring. Each person will have a clipboard to score their lane partner. This will keep clipboards from exchanging hands. We will supply those without their own clipboard with one while our supplies last, so if you have one please bring it.

· We are asking everyone to bring their own sanitizer or wipes for their hands. Please sanitize your hands either between lanes or after the match. An attempt to somehow keep the reset string holders sanitized seemed impractical. We will have soap in the bathroom and will try to have sanitizer there as well. We will try to have wipes for you to wipe down door knobs and handles while leaving the bathroom.

· Please bring your own air source if you can. We will try to have a tank available with sanitizer at the air station. However, bringing your own tank for your use would be best.

· As much as possible, maintain a minimum of 6 feet social distancing. This includes, but not limited to, registration, sight-in range, on the lanes scoring your lane partner and traveling between the lanes, as well as post-match discussion. Also note, do not stop while traveling between lanes to talk to other squads. Not only is it a distraction for those shooting, but it forms unnecessary traffic jams where social distancing is more difficult to maintain.

· Masks are mandatory. If you have your own mask, please bring it for your use. If you do not have a mask, we will supply you with one as our supplies last.  We will further discuss mask-wearing the day of the match.

· If you are not feeling well or are sick, please do not attend the match.

· If you are uncomfortable following the procedures listed above, please do not attend the match.


The Northeast Ohio Airgunners (N.O.A.) will be holding a field target match this Sunday, August 30, 2020, at Twin Oaks Air Rifle Range in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Sight-in starts at 8:00am and the match starts at 10:30am.

The current weather forecast for now calls for partly cloudy skies and a high of 73F.  

We will have the bathroom in the club house available for use.

Please be aware that this is private property and we are graciously being offered the use of the land by the property owner so be respectful and considerate.  We will be providing various signs throughout the property to help direct you to the range and parking areas.

The day’s agenda will be:

1. Sight-in range opens at 8 am.

2. Registration from 8 till 9:30 am. (for those unable to complete online registration form)

3. Shooters meeting at 10 am.

4. Match starts at 10:30 am

Match Fees:

Members $10

Non-Members $15

Under 18 years of age $5

We will have the "For Sale" table available.  Bring any items you wish to unload.  We do ask that you sanitize your hands before holding any of the for sale items.

if you are planning to attend the August 30th match, please complete the online registration form:

We will include our Novice and Junior classes. The idea of these classes is to provide an airgun shooting opportunity for inexperienced shooters.  Some of you, probably all of you, have family members or friends that might like to join you on the course, but they are not really up to the full blown FT challenge.  Well, here’s the answer, they can join you and shoot the course in the Novice or Junior class.

All shooters under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.  If the parent or guardian is not going to shoot the match, they still need to supervise the minor at each lane on the field target course for the entire match.  One parent or legal guardian may accompany up to two minors.

Here is a link to Under Age Shooters

Come and join us, bring a friend, and please COMPLETE THE ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM or send us an email (include your division/class, rifle, scope, and pellet) through our website or to me at the email address shown below to let us know you’re coming. You can visit our website for directions to the range and other information:

Please note that Google Maps or Siri will take you to the wrong destination if you use the actual physical address of 9911 Shadow Wood Circle, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023 for directions.  Access is off of Lucky Bell Lane NOT Wake Robbin Drive.  Please visit our website for written directions and look for our N.O.A. sign on Bell Street on match day.


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