This is a final reminder we will be holding our July airgun field target match this Sunday, July 16, 2017, at Crooked Creek Conservation Club. Our agenda will be as usual:
1. Sight-in range opens at 8 am.
2. Registration from 8 till 9:30 am.
3. Shooters meeting at 10 am.
4. Match starts at 10:30 am.
5. OAFTSA provided lunch and awards ceremony at the conclusion of the match
The weather forecast looks great right now. Here is a link if you want to check it out yourself:
This match is guaranteed to be lots of fun for all, and for those going to the Crosman All American next week, this will also be a great warm-up! Bug spray is probably in order.
Classes will include a Novice/Special Junior class. The idea of this class is to provide an airgun shooting opportunity for inexperienced shooters. Some of you, probably all of you, have family members or friends that might like to join you on the course, but they are not really up to the full blown FT challenge. Well, here’s the answer, they can join you and shoot the course in the Novice/Special Junior Class.
We’ll be setting up an extra knock down target on each lane for this class. These targets will be placed at either 10 or 20 yards. The Novice/Special Junior shooter will shoot all 4 shots at this target for a total of 60 shots for the 15 lanes. Scoring will be 1 point for a knock down, 0 for a miss. These shooters will have to adjust for the 2 distances, but no complicated range finding will be required, and this class will have no long distance shots where wind doping is needed. This will give the novice/special junior shooter a chance to join in on the fun using an air gun to knock down targets. These targets are standard FT targets clearly marked so as not to be confused with the FT match targets. So give it some thought – who would you like to bring with you that isn’t quite ready for regular FT?
If you plan to join us, please send an email through our website or to me at the email address below to let us know you’re coming.
Shoot straight,
Roger Barker